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Why should I employ a recruitment agency?

 A recruitment agency is an intermediary between a company and a job seeker looking for employment. A recruitment agency's primary purpose is to find the most suitable candidate for a job opening in a company.


That's why, as a Canadian citizen, it is important to use a recruitment agency to make work easier and quicker.


How do recruitment agencies work?

To find the perfect position for a candidate, recruitment agencies in Canada begin by researching the open roles. They then identify qualified people, screen the candidates, and provide the necessary support through the interview process.


A recruitment agency has several different plans to offer to the employer.

1.    Contingency recruitment

Here a salary-based fee is paid only if the candidate is hired. The agency is paid around 25% of the candidates gross salary.

  Image Source:-shutterstock

1.    On-demean recruitment

Here the agency charges an hourly rate for an adjustable level of support

1.    Retained search

A fee has to be paid up-front for assistance

1.    Recruitment process outsourcing

This process refers to the outsourcing of a company's recruitment processes to an outside company.


Why should you work with a recruitment agency?


1.    Faster hiring

Using a recruitment agency will shorten the time required to fill a company's open positions. It will reduce the burden on company employees who spend time attracting candidate sand have to look through 1000s of applications. A recruitment agency will only deliver the topmost candidates for the position.


As a recruitment agency has a vast network they can find candidates much faster than a company.


1.    Quality candidates

Recruitment agencies in Canada have a large pool of talented candidates looking for a job. These candidates are already vetted, reducing the burden on the company's hiring managers. Moreover, as the recruitment agencies are professionals, they only send highly-skilled candidates your way.


1.    Maintain confidentiality during the process


1.    Specialist knowledge

Most recruitment agencies are specialized for hiring to a particular industry. This means that they have better knowledge and deeper understanding of that particular industry. This enables them to find better candidates for the company


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