Author Name:- Peter Patinson Address:- 104 Esplanade ave, 120 Pacific, CA 94044, USA Mobile No:- +1(917) 900 9072 Today, we are very known about our current situation as we are suffering from an epidemic called Covid-19(Coronavirus). This dangerous virus has taught us many things, whether related to your health or job. At the same time, we have given a new dimension to the way we work, such as work from home, engagement with social media platforms and more. Due to these new dimensions, we are not facing many difficulties. Although we are going through a very difficult time today, our understanding will definitely get us out of these difficult times also. Is Trend Changing in The Recruitment Process? Yes, the recruitment trend is changing. As development occurs in sectors, the recruitment process is also evolving as new things are being invented. Everyone knows, the need is the mother of invention; it has been proved once again in these years. If we compare traditional methods, th...